Talking about beauty and glamour looks is an easy subject. However, learning about the efforts hidden behind the art of beauty would be a subject that has no end. We are all aware of the fact that it can be a complete transform of a model or pride or any person. But in my opinion the real art is just showing the real beauty of that person with that special touch without creating a new person that unrecognizable for others. Beauty products are found to help add some highlights or to hide that oily skin etc. Creating a new person is not in the job description. Real make up artist and professional hair stylists help envision the real you. You can’t just trust anyone to bring out the best of you. It takes one of a dedicated team of artist and hairstylists to do the job right. Talented artists will help you to achieve your most desirable look by deciding what colors and style of makeup and hair best suites your face and personality. So if you are in the look for a beauty team, then look no further because I have found you one of the best teams. Hairstyle, make up, on location, on saloon, models, prides, fashion, beauty, personal care, and many more services that comes with incredible and amazing smile. Amy Linnell-Monkiewicz and her team had set themselves apart from others at Glam It Up. I have seen that myself at some of the beauty and fashion shows that I was photographing. Having Amy and her team in their have added a level of comfort to everyone. Looking at the results of their work is indescribable. Simply it was flawlessly natural beauty.
Today I have the honor to interview Amy Linnell-Monkiewicz the owner and founder of Glam It Up LLC.
Hello Amy,
Q. Tell me a little about Amy, and how did you know that a career of beauty was waiting for her?
A. I was born and raised in Lynn, Mass & was the youngest of four kids. I always had a passion for hair and makeup even though I was much of a tom boy growing up, thanks to my older brothers. But I am a big goofball too who likes to have fun. I like to spoil everyone & help out as many people as I can. My Passion in life is being artistic & that is why I love to do hair & Makeup. There are so many possibilities to be creative & to make people feel great about themselves in my professional field. I knew there was a career of
beauty waiting for me was after the triumphs of dead end jobs were I found myself to be very unhappy. I made a decision to go back to school in 2010 and became a licensed cosmetologist where my heart has always been.
A. I have not worked in any other salon before opening my own business. I have always been a big risk taker & strongly believe if you want it, you can achieve it. Lots of dedication, hard work & passion will drive you to succeed.
Q. Have you always been based in Kingston?
A. My business has always been based in Kingston. I moved to Kingston right after my 22nd birthday, when I bought my first house.
Q. What gets Amy inspired when around models or prides?
A. I honestly get inspired by everything. I like to talk to people & get to know their personality, I look at their bone structure, what they are wearing, eye shape etc.. Sometimes during photo shoots, if the model has a more bubbly personality I may think of doing something more out of the box, creative. If they have more reserved personality
I may do something more classic or sophisticated.
A. Beauty is such a strong word for me. I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder as everyone has their own meaning & feelings about it. Personally, beauty is everything to me. The trees, the air we breathe, all cultures, creatures, shapes, colors, forms etc.. Beauty can be a simple smile or as complex as gene makeup or an architectural structure.
Q. Would a day/work look be different than a night out look?
A. Most definitely! During the day we have more light so your makeup can be as light as you would like. While working especially, keeping it lighter and simple will give you a more professional look. At night, lighting is much more darker so you would want to enhance your features by going a little bolder.
Q. Speaking of looks, how old you think the girls should be to start wearing make-up?
A. I think girls should start wearing makeup when they are mature enough. Probably, around the ages of 12-15 years of age. This time in their life they are starting to grow up & should experiment with makeup if they have interests and if their parents consent to it.
Q. Does beauty product matter?
A. YES! There are many reasons why I avoid many of the cosmetics on the shelf today. I have talked about this before on Glam It Up’s Facebook fan page with hopes of reaching & helping many women. One of the main ingredients to avoid is Parabens. Methyl-, Butyl-, Ethyl-, & Propyl parabens are carcinogens. Carcinogens raise the estrogen levels in woman causing breast cancer and early puberty in females. They are also linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, skin irritations & other problems. Parabens are in about 90% of cosmetics today and are used so widely because they are the cheapest preservative around. My mother is currently battling breast cancer & I
would never want to see anyone go through what she has. I understand breast cancer can be caused by other factors, but me knowing that certain makeup can cause someone else to get it, makes me not want to even risk their health & to spend a little more money for better quality.
All of my makeup is safe for women, paraben free, cruelty free, & so much more.
Q. What is the most overlooked feature on the face?
A. I would have to say the eyebrows. Filling & shaping your brows with an eyebrow pencil or powder that matches your hair color, can completely finish your look. It completely frames your face & adds a little bit of sexy too
Q. How do you describe a woman after you complete working on her make-up and hair?
A. Most definitely more confident and a little more glamorous! It is an amazing feeling when someone tells me how great they look/feel when I am done with doing their hair and makeup!
Q. What beauty items a women shouldn’t leave home without?
A. Women should never leave home without their favorite lip gloss/tint, some powder to refresh, and a hair tie. I always have those things and a girl emergency kit that I got at Sephora (it’s pretty cool). It is a compact purse that contains, breath freshener, hair tie, double sided tape, nail polish, remover, makeup cleanser cloth, lip gloss, safety pin, emery board etc.. It is really small too! I still wonder how they got it all to fit, but its perfect!
Q. Do you have a favorite make up brush?
A. OOooOo! This one is tough to pick since all of my makeup brushes help me create great looks! Hmm.. I would have to say a blending brush, a precise liner brush & a blush brush have to be my top 3 since I use them the most.
Q. Do you have a secret make-up tool?
A. I do! But it is a secret! I just started a Youtube channel with Glam It Up, where all my secrets will be exposed! Stay tuned
Q. Is there anything you wish you knew before you became make-up artist/hair stylist?
A. Honestly, I wish I knew about the struggles of earning money as an artist when starting out. Money is not everything, but it feels great to be compensated for your time, the effort & skills you provide.
Q. How do you keep your make-up & hairstyles skills fresh?
A. Being a licensed cosmetologist allows me to attend hair/esthetician shows everywhere, where I learn new techniques & trends before they hit the streets! I also, practice new things I learn, & come up with my own ideas that I believe people would like.
Q. What is your normal routine styling hair and adding make-up?
A. Makeup Routine: Sanitize hands, start with a clean face, moisturize if needed, cover blemishes, apply foundation, eyeshadow, liner, mascara, fill in eyebrows, add lip color/gloss.
Hair Routine: Sanitize hands, comb/brush hair, spray heat protectant, style, spritz/hair spray lightly.
* I am big on sanitation as many people who have worked with me know, I am constantly sanitizing my hands and makeup brushes!
Q. Do you believe that make-up and hair style should match with the dress or outfit?
A. You would look your absolute best if they did match, but I also believe you should wear and look as you please.
Q. Any make-up artist/hair stylist’s role models?
A. I learned makeup on my own as a kid with no role models really. As for hair stylist’s I would have to take it back to my cosmetology school I graduated from. My teacher Jane at PortsmouthBeautySchool taught me so so sooo much that I am thankful for. Every beauty school student should have a teacher like her.
Q. Do you like to listen to music as you working or do you like the surrounding area to be quite?
A. I honestly do not mind either way. If there is music on, you will find me singing to my model/client or showing her a little dance moves (hee hee) If it’s quite you will definitely hear me talking. My Boston accent gives me away all the time.. lol
Q. How important is team work for you?
A. Team work is soooo very important. Helping each other out is how we function smoothly. Without it we would crumble quick!
Q. How do you choose your team members?
A. Team members are chosen by great skill & personality.
Q. What something that everybody likes about Amy?
A. I would have to say my personality. I am very honest, helpful, compassionate, funny & positive
Q. What is Amy’s favorite song?
A. This is so tough for me to pick a favorite song because I love every
genre of music. I can list tons and tons!
Q. How can people reach you?
A. Phone: 781-913-6528
Web Site:
Q. Anything you would like to add?
A. I would like to add by saying thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far and for the continued support as well. It really does mean the world to me! For the people who have not supported me or doubted me I would also like to say thank you too, since you light the fire brighter within my soul that motivates me even more to push even
harder! Everyone that knows me I do something for a charity every month and hope to get more people to like my page to help get the word out.
My hopes are to help as many people as possible with Glam It Up LLC. Also, to inspire other people that come from broken homes and less fortunate lifestyles as I did, to never give up on your dreams because they are just right around the corner. Give it your all & put your heart in everything that you do, no matter how many bumps in the road you may hit.
Thank you Mo for interviewing me and for the support as well. I really appreciate you giving me this opportunity.
We need professionalism and ethics in all lines of work. When it combined with deep knowledge of products, and its ingredients, then we call that services that exceed customer expectations. Beside all that you add a service to the community to help people in need, then that is a service that way beyond any expectations. Amy is committed to her art, she is committed to Glam It UP, she is committed to inspiring people, and she committed to help others.
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